Friday, December 3, 2010

Nak Wangi lagi

Am looking for a new perfume, mine is almost reach the finish zone. Currently I'm using Jadore and looking for a fresh but flourish and sweet scent.I'm in love with Gucci floral and Britney Spear Fantasy. Don't you agree with me that the bottle is so cute and unique.
What bout this one? Meet my criteria, flourish and sweet....Burberry Brit Sheer.Still figure to choose. Hubby wont help me to choose because he dont want to make his pocket loose..heheheheh

1 comment:

  1. “Siapa sahaja perempuan yang memakai minyak wangi, kemudian dia keluar, lalu dia melewati satu kaum (orang ramai) supaya mereka mendapati (mencium) baunya, maka dia itu adalah perempuan zina.” (Hasan riwayat Ahmad, Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, Ibnu Hibban, Hakim, Ibnu Khuzaimah dan Thahawi dari jalan Abu Musa).
